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About The State of Social Entrepreneurship Report

At Echoing Green, we know that talent is equally distributed, but opportunity is not. People all around the world have bold ideas and the enthusiasm to change their communities for the better, but a risk-adverse funding sector hesitant to endorse early-stage ideas leads to too many emerging leaders unable to receive support.

Every year, we collect information from social entrepreneurs applying to our Fellowship program. This data set—which we believe is one of the largest collections of data on social enterprise applicants—allows us to observe trends in the field, understand our applicants’ needs, and share learnings with others working in social impact.

When we view these learnings in tandem with our knowledge of the social entrepreneurship field and the context of global events, intersectional findings emerge, which point to broader challenges and opportunities.

Explore the Most Recent Report:

2020 Report

You can access all past reports here.

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