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Podcast: Invest in the Whole Impact Ecosystem

What does the future of social entrepreneurship look like? According to Echoing Green’s President Cheryl L. Dorsey and Director of Impact Investing Min Pease, market-based solutions and social impact-first investing will continue to be part of the equation. But impact investing is a growing field that is still defining itself, and they see Echoing Green’s role as helping to support and include all voices at the table as the field continues to take shape.

Episode 4
“Having more participants from the business side allows social entrepreneurship to bring new alliances and partnerships and opportunities for collaboration.”
— Cheryl L. Dorsey, Echoing Green

As a 1992 Fellow and president of Echoing Green since 2002, Cheryl has played an integral role in Echoing Green’s growth. In this episode, she discusses Echoing Green’s founding and how the organization got to where it is today supporting more than 700 social entrepreneurs. She highlights the importance of providing early-stage support for social impact leaders, the strength of Echoing Green’s community, and the on-going work supporting the evolving social impact ecosystem. Listen to Cheryl’s views on the key trends she sees in social entrepreneurship and impact investing today and how critical it is for investors and social entrepreneurs to continue talking to each other.

Episode 5
“The advice we offer our Fellows is, ‘Do as much due diligence on any investor as they are going to do on you.’”
— Min Pease, Echoing Green

Min Pease manages Echoing Green’s Impact Investing program, which includes providing the necessary tools and resouces to get social entrepreneurs investment ready. She also engages investors in the Echoing Green community, helps them understand the needs of social entrepreneurs and innovators, and ensures that investors have an aligned understanding of the Fellows’ missions. Hear Min’s advice for social entrepreneurs looking for funding and her thoughts on the importance of social entrepreneurs’ voices being heard throughout the investment process. 

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