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The Inspiring, Inaugural Black Male Achievement Fellows

This year’s Fellowship class is comprised of both traditional Echoing Green Fellows and an inaugural group of Black Male Achievement Fellows who were identified by Echoing Green in partnership with the Open Society Foundations. In this blog post, Rashid Shabazz, program officer for the Open Society Foundations, remarks:

“[The BMA Fellows] are the kind of social entrepreneurs we dreamed of when the Campaign for Black Male Achievement was planning the fellowship. More than anything, we wanted to create the space and opportunity for innovative thinkers and doers to give birth to the ideas and solutions to address the most entrenched problems facing black men and boys. We also wanted to make history with the very first fellowship of its kind for social entrepreneurs who are starting up new organizations in the field of black male achievement.”

We couldn’t agree more. Take a look at our new video introducing the nine Black Male Achievement Fellows, who are already making history.

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