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UpStart with Yscaira Jimenez

An up-close and inspiring discussion series about solutions in context.

Yscaira Jimenez is a 2014 Echoing Green Fellow and founder of LaborX, “the LinkedIn for the linked out.” LaborX is a marketplace that connects hiring managers to underrepresented talent that has traditionally been ignored. Using predictive skill analytics and 3-D resumes, LaborX helps companies find the right employees, while improving the employability of underrepresented talent.

Yscaira was joined in conversation by Jeff Livingston, founder of EdSolutions, Inc.

Watch the conversation and Q&A

UpStart is hosted monthly(ish) in partnership with others who care about social change.

This UpStart is a segment of a special series of events presented as part of The Partnership for Innovating for the Future of Work, powered by Barclays.

See past presenters. Get on the list about upcoming talks.

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