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A Generation of Innovations for Human Rights

Throughout our twenty-fifth anniversary year, we’ve been exploring the connections between the pioneering work of our earliest Fellows and the newest innovations of our 2013 class. All summer long we’ll be offering up video pairings showing that the locally-grown apple doesn’t fall too far from the microfinanced tree. So before you slip out for the weekend, take a moment to learn about the changes these Fellows have brought about in this world, and the work yet to be done!

Weekend 2: Changing the Living and Working Conditions of the World’s Most Vulnerable Populations

2006 Fellow and founder of RefugePoint Sasha Chanoff talked about a moment in a Congalese tent that tested his commitments and changed his life. 

Succesful finalist and 2013 Fellow Kohl Gill pitched the bold idea behind his organization LaborVoices: using cell phones to monitor factory conditions in real time.

Catch our entire Summer Friday Series. 


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